Please be informed that a portion of Jalan 7/3 located near House No:56 (Endlot) is having a Wedding function on 9th (Friday) to 11th Oct 2009 (Sunday). To aviod any inconvenience to road users please divert your route temporarily. The house owner of No.56, 7/3, wishes to apologize for any inconveniences caused to the residents in Acacia Puteri 7.
敬請留意!位於56, 7/3路段將於星期五(9/10)至星期日(11/10)暫時關閉以便讓有關屋主搭棚舉辦婚禮,故此敬請居民們暫時行駛另一段道路。如有造成任何不便之處敬請見諒!
RA ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1430 Hijriyah kepada muslim member. Semoga di hari Fitri ini kita saling memaafkan.
The potholes at Puteri 7 have been repaired and patched up by MPSJ contractor on 14 September. A big thank you to JKP Zone 16 member and En. Syahizam from MPSJ for being diligent in solving this matter.