5th AGM on 24 Jan 2016 (Sunday), 9am at Playground

23 March, 2009


A GOTONG-ROYONG to tidy up the environment of Acacia Puteri 7 playground and house compound was held on 15th March 2009 (Sunday) between 8am to 11.30am. About 30 residents including committee members and children woke up early in the morning and gathered together at playground to participate in this event as a social responsibility and showing the true spirit of neighbourliness. Apart of cleaning up the playground, residents also trimmed the tree to make it clearer and less dense. A lorry from Alam Flora went house by house to collect all the discarded materials for disposal.

RA would like to thank firstly JKP Zone 16 for supplying cleaning tools, drink, cookies and gloves. Secondly to MPSJ for supplying the truck, dustbin, manpower and mosquito larvicide powder, to make our beautification program a very successful one.

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